
A powerful growth transformation

Website: 54d.com
Location: Coral Gables, FL
Platform: N/A
Industry: Retail / Sports
Growth Services: Email Marketing / SEO /
Paid Media
Category: B2C
54D mobile screen capture

Scope of Work


Cost-Efficient Revenue Maintenance: Tavano Team successfully maintained revenue levels from the previous year while optimizing Ad Spend by 50%.

Business Organization and Automation: The implementation of email marketing flows and marketing automations has streamlined processes, resulting in increased operational efficiencies.

Outstanding ROI in a Competitive Industry: Achieving a remarkable 10 ROI in 2023.

Balanced Mix of Performance Campaigns: Tavano Team’s approach involves a well-balanced mix of performance campaigns, strategically focusing on both converting existing customers and building brand awareness.

Results and Outcomes

Scope of Work


Cost-Efficient Revenue Maintenance: Tavano Team successfully maintained revenue levels from the previous year while optimizing Ad Spend by 50%.

Business Organization and Automation: The implementation of email marketing flows and marketing automations has streamlined processes, resulting in increased operational efficiencies.

Outstanding ROI in a Competitive Industry: Achieving a remarkable 10 ROI in 2023.

Balanced Mix of Performance Campaigns: Tavano Team’s approach involves a well-balanced mix of performance campaigns, strategically focusing on both converting existing customers and building brand awareness.

Results and Outcomes

The ultimate transformation

54D is a global fitness brand dedicated to human transformation through achieving physical, mental, and emotional changes in every participant.

Based on an understanding of the human body and rooted in professional athletic practices, their programs guarantee visible and measurable results in just 54 days.
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