Top 5 Mobile UX Trends You Need to Implement ASAP


The switch from desktop to mobile is snowballing, with devices becoming faster and easier to use. These mobile UX design trends will help you get on board the hype train.

In 2023, more than 60% of all eCommerce happens through smartphones. Mind you. Mobile users do visit pages for shorter times than their desktop counterparts. So UI and UX designs are paramount for the ongoing success and continued growth of your overall mobile experience.  

We’ll focus on UI some other day, and today we’ll delve into five critical mobile UX trends that will help you surprise and engage your customers.

Time is money: Work less so you can do less.

“Time is money,” said our friend Benjamin Franklin and, even now, he’s still right. Up until now, users -us included- were obsessed with productivity. Every minute saved was like manna from heaven.

It seems that in the future we’ll continue to favor any time-saving design, but there’s a switch -and an important one at that- and it’s in the mentality. We won’t be looking to save time to do more things. On the contrary, we value our time as never before, and we want to enjoy it more.

UX simplification, linear user journey, content-focused interfaces, and biometrics are great tools that will help you minimize user efforts. They will also help in achieving a more intuitive and personal browsing experience. Remind your users that there are humans behind their shopping experience. Make it personable and build an emotional rapport with them.

The rise of gestures: Say it with your body

Try to make user experiences more engaging by stimulating as many senses as possible. Browsing on mobile is much more interactive -and personal- than desktop. Mobiles are becoming responsive extensions of ourselves. The rise of gesture-driven behavior will be a significant influence on how we design mobile interfaces.

Physical interaction will be the new way to engage customers. From a marketing standpoint, it’s a great way to include them in the overall brand experience. We have to thank the iPhone X for this: it showed us that a home button is not as necessary as we thought it was. Thanks to this, we learned that most mobile navigation could be gesture-driven.

There’s a catch, though: designing an entirely new and original gesture-based interface is not easy. It can be difficult for developers to create and, if not done correctly, it can be difficult for users to discover and learn. Luckily, there’s a myriad of features at hand that can help with this. The simplest example being: animated hints and incorporated navigation guides.

Speak up!: Voice as UX

User interaction with mobiles will reach deeper levels through the development of voice-responsive interfaces. Voice-responsive interfaces will help optimize and facilitate user experience. 

If we eliminate any need to touch or look at our devices, we genuinely immerse in an entirely digital experience. Instead of hindering our performance in the real world, this will help us behave more productively and more dynamically. A good understanding of human communication will be essential, though. We must consider how we speak, paying particular attention to different speech patterns and tones of voice. 

Personalization: Made-to-measure 2.0

User experience is all about personalization, as we all know. We expect anything and everything we consume to cater to our preferences and tastes. In the digital field, this expectation is much stronger. It is essential to maintain our users interested in our brand to tailor individual experiences.

One of the many easy ways to execute this is through location awareness. This refers to the adaptation of content based on where users are physically at that moment. Also, push notifications will have nobler purposes than impersonal promotions. They will communicate with users on a more personal level about services they care about.

Machine learning will make a huge difference in achieving all this. Until recently, it was costly to incorporate machine learning into development. However, Google now offers ML Kit, which helps with image labeling, face detection, and landmark detection. Also, it’s cross-platform, which means that it runs on both Android and iOS devices. 

Cashless: The ATM is a thing of the past!

It’s no surprise that cashless transactions are the future (and the present!). During the pandemic, contactless mobile payments have rised immensely. OEM (original equipment manufacturer) pay solutions, just like Apple Pay or Google Pay, have become the norm together with contactless card payments. Apple pay now has over 530 million users (2022), while Google and Samsung pay have reached 100 million registered users in 2020. Cashless payments have become so current that they are now the preferred method of payment in China.


The study of your target consumer’s behavior will be an essential part of your mobile UX optimization process. Versatility and adaptability are not only desired. They’re now mandatory. Your applications and websites must work properly -and with the same level of performance- on any device.

The main goal is to offer users a greater level of interactivity. And although we must expect users to spend less time online to achieve what they need, the intensity of interaction will be much higher, 

To learn more about NetSuite UX design optimization strategies or other eCommerce Growth techniques, drop us a message

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