How to Utilize Faceted Navigation for NetSuite eCommerce


When you run a NetSuite eCommerce business that sells thousands of products, faceted navigation is key to your user interface and success. Here’s how you can use this feature to your favor and boost your sales!

What is Faceted Navigation

Anybody who has been on a large retailer’s website has probably used faceted navigation. Essentially, faceted navigation is an online sorter that assists users with finding the specific product they are looking for. Let’s say you were looking for a red, long-sleeved shirt for men. You would use the faceted navigation interface to quickly sort to the products that fit the description. Having faceted navigation for your website makes the interface much more convenient and user-friendly to the customer, thus increasing foot traffic and sales for your business.

How Faceted Navigation Can Hurt Your SEO

Although Faceted Navigation can benefit the consumer interface, it can seriously affect your SEO. For instance, duplicate content is a common issue with a poorly established faceted navigation system. Duplicate content is when the same, or very similar, content appears on more than one web address. Duplicate content can impact SEO negatively because search engines will not know which content is preferable. Likewise, having a large number of duplicate links can affect your site’s link equity and crawl budget.

How to Maximize SEO

For any eCommerce business, having your content appear in search engines is a must. Fortunately, there are solutions to maximize your website’s SEO. A Noindex filter can be used to exclude specific parameters. For instance, if you want to buy a hat, but one that was not grey, a Noindex filter can be used to exclude grey hats. Another solution is Robots.txt, which essentially tells search engines which pages to crawl to and which pages not to crawl to. There is also Canonicalization, which can be used to standardize your website’s most important pages, thus making it easier for SEO to reference.

For your eCommerce business, there is no universal solution to your interface. To learn more about the solutions discussed or other options that could be used to maximize your NetSuite SEO strategy, contact our team today!   


When setting up your NetSuite eCommerce, you can instruct web crawlers not to index certain pages. For example, you could stipulate that they don’t index zip-up hoodies. This method can increase your rankings on a SERP but may still waste web crawlers’ resources and weaken the effectiveness of keywords. 

Don’t hesitate to contact our NetSuite eCommerce experts to optimize your eCommerce store and build the perfect eCommerce growth strategy to increase your sales!

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